Reflections on the Mission Week: 9-17 March 2024

Kicking off with a quiz and fish and chips evening with the congregation, joining you for your Mothering Sunday services and all your uniformed groups, life groups and youth groups throughout the week, visiting schools, the YMCA and Peace Hospice, door-knocking in several roads in the parish, helping to host Live at St Luke’s (a battle of the bands style evening), going out with the street angels, hosting a Q&A, preaching at services, sharing testimonies at events, praying for and with you and being fed incredibly well by all our kind hosts. Phew, what a busy week!

It was a formative time for us as a group. We were inspired and encouraged by the prayerfulness of St Luke’s and your waiting on the Lord, with groups meeting to pray before every service and also praying in the morning of each day for all the upcoming events and people involved. We were also excited to see a wide team with lots of people being involved in leadership and serving the Church.

As a team we loved the international meal, hearing some incredible life stories and better understanding what it is like to live in Watford and the surrounding area, as well as incredible multicultural food and hearing testimonies both from our own Pengling about her conversion to Christianity and from the conversations this sparked on our tables.

Sophie said, “I loved going into the Christian Union at Watford Boys. We had a full classroom of engaged 11–16 year olds – Christians and some of their friends. The group asked loads of great questions that David and I gave a good go at speed-answering, then played a great game that we were terrible at. Thanks so much to those who facilitated this!”

Jacob said, “I had a great time at Live at St Luke’s. The youth bands were great and Neil does such great work with teenagers both in school and at St Luke’s.”

A massive thanks to everyone who made us so welcome during our time with you. Please be assured of our prayers for those of you we got to know and for your continuing mission on the Cassiobury Estate and across Watford.

The Wycliffe Team