Open to all preschool / primary school families!
We meet on alternate Saturday mornings (dates below).
We are a very relaxed bunch with a wide range of things to do; we have a toddler zone for the little ones, and snooker and table tennis for the big kids; we’ve been making Hama beads and friendship bracelets, and playing board games; and, above all, we kick off our weekend with a thought of the day that points us to Jesus! All of this over a bacon butty, vegan sausage, pain au chocolat, or a simple bowl of cereal.

If you’re thinking about coming along, please do – get stuck in and join the fun no matter what your age (just call yourself a ‘helper’)! It’s a wonderful time of fellowship for people of all ages, whether you are church family, friend, or neighbour. It is our prayer that we become a hub of community as we meet to do breakfast and life together. Breakfast Club is the land where milk and honey (and tea and coffee) flow!