Welcome to St Luke’s Watford

St Lukes Watford, Breakfast Club

Free breakfast! Breakfast Club for parents / carers and children of all ages in the church hall on Saturday mornings.

Our church services are at 10.30am and Tuesday 10am.
The Sunday evening Encounter service where we are studying the book of Hebrews is at 5.30pm.

Youth groups at St Lukes Church Watford, for ages 11 to 18 years old.

Contact the office on office@stlukeswatford.org for more information and to book a place.

Our Toddlers group meets on Thursday mornings 9.30 – 11am, click for more information on St Luke’s Toddlers.

small church groups at St Lukes Watford

Life groups at St Lukes Watford happen in various different forms. They all include small groups of people, some prayer, bible study and discussion. We hope there might be one that suits you.

Children’s Sunday Groups at St Lukes, Watford

Children’s Sunday Groups at St Luke’s Watford are for ages 0 to teenagers

For more details see the Weekly News page

St Lukes Watford – a welcoming church

Our midweek and Sunday morning toddler, children, and youth groups are all meeting in person.

Please contact office@stlukeswatford.org or children@stlukeswatford.org for more information