We have just received some pictures from the school headmaster, Rev Benon, showing the progress on the new teachers’ accommodation block at Kamuganguzi School in Uganda
We have just received some pictures from the school headmaster, Rev Benon, showing the progress on the new teachers’ accommodation block at Kamuganguzi School in Uganda. As you will remember, this project was the subject of our most recent Partnership Fund appeal. Currently the builders are fitting the shutters and plastering the inside, and it won’t be long be-fore it is ready for use – but already looks a vast improvement on the previous building!

Unfortunately, Ugandan schools are at the moment closed for a 60-day Covid lockdown so it will be a little while before any staff can move in. Rev Benon’s main challenge is to decide which of the teachers will get to stay in the accommodation as it can’t accommodate all 27! He is running an application process and thinks the fairest way of deciding is to base it on the current commuting distance of each teacher. Please pray for wisdom for him as he makes these decisions.
Janet Hayes, the Director of our Partner organisation, Rafiki Thabo, says: “Thanks again for the support of of all at St. Luke’s for this transformative project”.
Bill Miller