Has it really been over a year since I started working at St Luke’s?
Firstly, I want to thank everyone for the welcome I have received and still feel on a daily basis. It has been wonderful to make new friends here.
This last year has really driven home the verse in Ecclesiastes 3: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”.
Without listing all of the different suggestions in Ecclesiastes, I think we can all agree that there have been times of being busy, times of rest, times of
preparation, of planning and of reflection, of joy and of mourning. I look forward to experiencing many more times like these!
Recently, we had our Harvest service, and it was a joy to see so many in the building. We also had our church family weekend, which was well-attended
and a lovely chance to get to know each other better, as well as to hear from Rev. Keith Powell.

As we look forward to winter events and then Christmas, we hope for many more times of coming together, and we are thankful to God that we are able to meet in a safe way. This is also a time to be safe, and – for many – a time to be cautious. As a church family, and a wider community, we need to remember that some people are justifiably cautious, and we should find ways to include everyone.
With that in mind, our autumn and winter services will continue to be accessible online (in most cases), so that those shielding or isolating can have access. A wonderful time for technology and communication, and thank God for our dedicated team who make it possible every week!
As you look through the magazine, you will see opportunities for times of remembrance (the bereavement service, and Remembrance Day), for times of preparation (the Christmas Pudding making, and Advent services), of giving (the auction for the Peace Hospice and the different quiz opportunities), of prayer (prayer meetings) and of joy (Christmas services). We hope that you will join us for a variety of these opportunities.
If you have any questions about any of these services or events, please contact me in the church office – I would love to help!
For those who are feeling confident and able to attend services in person, perhaps you could think about whether it is your time to step up and volunteer – we are always happy to have extra helpers on the rotas, whether for welcoming, making tea and coffee, playing or singing with the music group, helping out with children or youth, or helping with the technology on the balcony. Maybe you could offer to help one Sunday every two or three months?
What is it your time to do?
Beth Burns